
Showing posts from April, 2023

2022-2023 Winter Break Writing Challenge Featured Author: Anonymous, "Nix"

"Nix", by Anonymous A great deal of Latin language poetry is anonymous, and this author chooses to continue the tradition by remaining nameless. They are a graduate of Boise State University and usually write science fiction and biotech fiction. "Nix" was a fun escape. --- "Nix" Dicebant “Ninget!” sed “Ningat” audiebam. Heu, septem horam laboravi fodiens usque ad fundamenta viae. Etiam nunc… ningit. “Snow” They kept saying “It will snow!” but I kept hearing “It may snow.” Oi, for seven hours I have laboured digging all the way to the foundations of the road. And even now… it snows.

2022-2023 Winter Break Writing Challenge Featured Author: Emma Halverson, "Catullus 5, A Translation"

"Catullus 5, A Translation", by Emma Halverson Emma received her BA in linguistics from BSU in 2021, and she’s currently pursuing a master’s degree in classics at the University of Colorado Boulder. She usually works with Latin from late antiquity, but makes an exception for Catullus, her favorite Roman poet.   Brief summary/intro by Emma: Catullus (ca. 84-54 BCE) was a Roman author of over 100 poems, including love poetry and elegy. His work is highly emotional and often playful, but also carefully refined. This poem, one of his most popular, is addressed to his mistress—the wife of a powerful Roman politician. --- Catullus 5 vivamus mea Lesbia, atque amemus, rumoresque senem severiorum omnes unius aestimemus assis! soles occidere et redire possunt: nobis cum semel occidit brevis lux, nox est perpetua una dormienda. Da mi basia mille, deinde centum, dein mille altera, dein secunda centum, deinde usque altera mille, deinde centum. dein, cum milia multa fecerimus, conturbabi...

2022-2023 Winter Break Writing Challenge Featured Author: Joseph Hess, "Mr. Corbari's Bad Day"

 "Mr. Corbari's Bad Day", by Joseph Hess     Hess is a BSU graduate who has a foot in both fantasy and sci-fi. His other works focus on elements of transformation and non-human intelligence. When not writing, he also does art (the current most common medium is pen-on-sticky-note) or organizes things for rich people. While in his mid-twenties, he has been mistaken for a 60-year-old man. ---      Mr. Corbari is having a bad morning. Bad for Utopian standards, anyway.      Today, once he woke up and disabled all the boobytrapped appliances in his apartment and made his breakfast, he discovered that his Mobile Utility Devices (M.U.D. for short) had overloaded in the night. This confused him, because his intuitive ability to reorganize and reconstitute machines did not ever affect something so small and complex as M.U.D. Normally, Mr. Corbari would scoop some of the grey metallic substance out of a charging bowl every morning before leaving for ...

2022-2023 Winter Break Writing Challenged Featured Author: Mandee Snowden-Edmonds, Untitled Poem

Untitled Poem by Mandee Snowden-Edmonds --- Latin: Mea ventus sonus est verbum "amoris". Paene coelestis est, annon? volvitur lingua via; Purr amantis feline, Aut in noctem susurros amantis. Credo in virtute huius verbi tantum Ut perpetuo pectus haberem Ad latus sinistrum, super cor Admonere cum sum vultus down Quod super omnia credo in amore. Nominis mei est, post omnes. Per meos parentes nesciens largitus sum ; Nomen meum encapsulat prorsus quod sum. Mulier quae amanda est. Meo iudicio est etiam mulier quae amare debet Non enim satis est esse solum esse recipientem; Imo vero magis ex Dans plus quam accipimus Et plus serentes quam metemus. Hic amor qui nomen meum requirit Non unice finitur relationis aspectus; Sed magis videtur in desiderio innato Singula momenta et in vita mea subjiciunt Romanticize. Hoc est quod me compulit ad educationem Ad fabulas fabularum et fabularum iam pridem transiit. Ad religiosum loqui Variis tandem peccatis inluminetur. Nam amorem invenio ubique...